Sound-off Saturday: A Leap of Faith

BY BENJAMIN IRELAND I was inspired by a recent blog by the Xchyler co-owner, Penny Freeman, to tell my Xchyler story. Through mutual acquaintances Penny and I became Facebook friends. One day, I posted how much work it takes to write a book when you don’t know...

Featured Friday: Fact vs. Fiction

BY J. AUREL GUAY It was fiction that first inspired me to become a scientist. I most blame Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island. In the story the character Cyrus Smith uses his scientific knowledge not only to help the group of castaways survive, but to forge amazing...

Featured Friday: The Small Business Owner

BY SCOTT WILLIAM TAYLOR The author’s other definition. Almost every writer has, at one time or another, heard that being a writer is like having a second job. Some writers turn their part-time job into a full-time career. But for the mass majority, we work...

Sound-off Saturday: My Two Bits

BY SCOTT TARBET All y’all ain’t from around here, are ya? Bless your hearts. Boy says he gets letters on that shiny little doo-hicky of his. And can send ‘em too. So I asked could I say howdy and set somethin’ straight. He’s writin’ it all this down. With his thumbs....