Editor’s Notes: The Grammar Trap

BY TERRI WAGNER As writers, we often get bogged down in grammar issues when we are actually trying to focus on content. As a result, both our content and our grammar suffer. I know you have read pieces of work that were on target with grammar, and the content was...

Editor’s Notes: What’s In A Name

BY MCKENNA GARDNER Character names tell a story just as much as the choices the characters make and the events going on around them. As an author, it is your responsibility to create strong, believable characters, and a very important aspect of those characters is...

Editor’s Notes: Getting at the Truth

BY JESSICA SHEN One of the best pieces of advice given to the beginning writer is write what you know. And, you should! Arguably one of the most difficult parts of writing is getting your reader fully immersed in your story. You are your own best resource, and drawing...

Editor’s Notes: Learning the Language

BY PENNY FREEMAN In the digital age we live in, thoughts fly around the world at the speed of light, to last forever, buried away in some hard drive or other until it’s long forgotten; only to be unearthed at the most inopportune and embarrassing moments conceivable....

Editor’s Notes: A Book Is Born

BY TERRI WAGNER Getting your book to that final stage of publishing requires a lot of effort. You have to re-work, re-do, re-edit just to get to a final writing stage. But it doesn’t end there. Manuscript in hand, you search diligently for just the right publisher and...