Editor’s Notes: Boot Camp Inspiration

BY MEGAN OLIPHANT Maybe I should have written this blog post BEFORE the Orson Scott Card Literary Boot Camp, because my mind is so full of all the information, it will take several days for it all to gel into something coherent in my mind. So much good information....

Editor’s Notes: The Lowly Proofreader

BY RIE SHERIDAN ROSE I’m Just a Proofreader . . . Nobody Loves Me . . . Okay, maybe that paraphrase of Bohemian Rhapsody is a little silly, but when it comes to the world of editing, the function is often overlooked, and it shouldn’t be. After all the editing of the...

Editor’s Notes: Ramping Up The Tension

BY JESSICA SHEN While plot and character and setting are all well and good (I mean, I GUESS those components are important…) what will really keep your reader up to ungodly hours of the night flipping pages is tension. Tension, conflict, peril—these all compel us to...

Editor’s Notes: To Edit or Not To Edit

BY ELIZABETH GILLILAND We creative types tend to be a bit temperamental when it comes to our work, and for good reason. We’ve put months, years, sweat, blood, tears, and endless buckets of caffeine and chocolate into our projects. They are, in short, our babies. Our...

Editor’s Notes: The Art of Negotiation

BY TERRI WAGNER Before We Edit “We have accepted your manuscript, and are offering you a contract.” Those words generally make an author jump for joy. As your future editors, we have mixed feelings when that offer comes around. First, we are as excited as you are...