Featured Friday: Lone? Ranger

BY MEGAN WISEMAN They say that when you have a major heart surgery, when someone quite literally touches your heart, you may experience a profound change in your life thereafter . . . My first attempt at writing came mere weeks after my own open heart surgery at the...

Featured Friday: Dread the Edit

BY R. M. RIDLEY Used to be I dreaded edits. Didn’t matter if I was working under my own supervision or another’s; the term itself was enough to set my teeth to clenching, my gut to churning, and my mind to building defensive walls. Somewhere along the way, I...

Featured Friday: Resonating With Your Readers

BY ERIC WHITE Every author has this point hammered into their creative little skulls: Write what you know. This wisdom is expounded in every book and blog even remotely related to the writing craft. It is tweeted, posted, and shared by authors ad infinitum daily. Now,...

Featured Friday: Steamstock Tour, Chicago

BY ALYSON GRAUER There are some who might argue that steampunk was a literary genre first and an aesthetic movement second. I happen to agree, but by no means does that mean the case is closed. Not only has steampunk spread its coiling, copper-wire roots out into the...