This week marked a first for the X as we participated as a team in a convention. The Salt City Steamfest is a rollicking immersive adventure for fans of steampunk in all its manifestations: the role playing, the literature, the merchandise—all were in heavy evidence.

Rock star Senior Editor McKenna (a.k.a. Notorious MiG) Gardner anchored a standing-room-only panel on “Getting Your Steampunk Writing Published” along with authors Lissa Gilliland, Candace Thomas, Pete Ford, Anika Arrington, and Scott Taylor.

The X demonstrated its professionalism and creativity, and made a lot of new friends, including a number of new, aspiring, and already-published authors who tell us they’ll definitely be submitting works, hoping to join the X family.

Besides her presentation on the panel, the highlights of the weekend for The Notorious MiG were the shirtless leather-goods vendor, getting a ride on Tim Torkelsen’s Harley, and having some random lady tell her what a nice butt she has. Definitely worth the drive from Arizona.

Scott Tarbet currently serves as Marketing Director, and is author of the short story Tombstone in the upcoming Extreme Makeovers paranormal anthology, as well as Diamond Jubal: A Midsummer Night’s Steampunk, to be released by the X for Christmas.