Forged in flame, wrought in blood, bone and steel, from the bowels of the earth and the inner most chambers of the heart, dragons arise. Fired by their passion, inspired by legend, six talented storytellers delve into realms of myth and fantasy as they explore what it means to be human.
First Flight by Samuel Mayo: Vanderson Egilhard yearns to fly, but when he discovers his father’s secret, the fate of his family and perhaps the world falls into his young hands.
A Dragon’s Honor by Brian Collier: When ancient alliances fail and friends stand alone to face certain doom, one dark secret and Calrym’s courage spell the utter destruction or dawning new age of two failing nations.
Birth Pains by Eric White: Bellalinde made a terrible sacrifice for love. Years later, her choice sends her and her granddaughter on a journey from which only one can return.
Golden Legacy by Jana Boskey: Hated, hunted, marked for extermination, when a young assassin hunts down Zachariah, he must decide which of them truly deserves to live.
Heart of Steel by Caitlin McColl: When murder steals his wife from Gideon Hendry, lust for revenge fires his passions. Only his fantastic creations know if he can escape his obsession before it seals his fate.
A Chink In The Armor by D. Robert Pease: Blessed by the gods, Job has never lost a battle. He has triumphed over every challenge from man and nature. Arrogant? Yes, but he’s invincible. Or is he?
Dragon lovers flock to this one!
Even though I am not an avid reader of Anthologies, I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one.
Love it!
A great read and a great book.
A great anthology
It’s a good mix of fantasy, paranormal and steampunk aspects. Quick enjoyable reads that come in an absolutely stunning cover.

Samuel Mayo
Samuel Mayo was born the day after Christmas in 1982. Over the course of his life, Sam has visited a wide variety of interesting places, both in the real world and the fictional world. These places fueled his imagination and from them he drew inspiration for creating fresh new worlds of his own.
Since 2008, those worlds have found their way onto paper. He has written and self-published three novels as well as a short story. A fourth novel is currently in work. Aside from writing, Sam works as an engineer for a big company in Kansas, teaches Tae Kwon Do, plays video games, and spends time with his beautiful wife and their weird animals.

Brian Collier
Like most fantasy authors, Brian Collier’s journey to authorship began as a child, with stories scribbled on scraps and margins of paper during class in lieu of actual homework. An avid fan of fantasy, paranormal, paranormal romance, erotica and young adult genres, he allows his own characters out to play in such worlds on a regular basis to preserve his sanity. With multiple projects always in the works, he plans on publishing more of his stories in the future.
Brian resides in North Carolina with his wife, daughter, and a menagerie of pets, all of whom keep life interesting. When he is not writing, he enjoys reading, watching movies, hiking, crafting jewelry, and dabbling in decorative painting.

Eric White
Forever the daydreamer, Eric White’s imagination has always spilled over into reality, a penchant which feeds his art, poetry, and prose. Answering his desire to never grow up, he fulfills his daylight responsibilities as a teacher’s aide for children with special needs. This assures him of recess and art every day and summer vacation each year. He enjoys his greatest adventures with his wife of fifteen years and two sons in southern Illinois.
Eric’s world of make-believe finds expression in his children’s books, poetry, songs, and growing collection of fantasy/paranormal short stories. He currently oversees construction as his first novel, One Running, the initial installment of his paranormal fantasy series Walking the Quay, wrestles its way out of his imagination and onto the printed page.
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Jana Boskey
A 22-year-old university student and a native of Illinois, Jana Boskey lives with her family in a small town in Pennsylvania. From a young age, she began to realize she lived in a world far different from those around her. While her classmates worried about homework, she fretted over whether or not her dream characters could foil the newest evil she created to oppose them. Tapping into her fertile imagination—something that seemed to be in short supply in people her age—she began to put her world onto paper.
After three years of dabbling in writing, Jana became a published author in August, 2011, with her contribution to an anthology produced by Firefly and Wisp Publishing. Since that time, four more of her short stories made it to print. She is currently working on her debut novel with fantasy author Cesya Cuono.

Caitlin McColl
As soon as she was able to string words together, Caitlin McColl has been writing down the worlds that fill her imagination. As a child, she wrote and illustrated a short story about a knight named Michael rescuing a princess from a dragon, and she immersed herself in the strange, wonderful and magical world of fantasy fiction. Naturally, the fantasy world has found its way into her own writing. Published several times in anthologies, she is currently working on a novel series, as well as a collection of steampunk short stories.
As fate would have it, Caitlin married her knight in shining armor, Michael. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia with her husband and dog. When she is not writing she enjoys reading, fitness, the outdoors and is a member of the local Sherlock Holmes society.

D. Robert Pease
Epic adventures filled most of D. Robert Pease’s childhood. Middle Earth, and the planets of Dune were his stomping grounds. It’s not surprising he chose to write stories with worlds just beyond reach but familiar enough for readers to get lost in new lands with epic adventures all their own.
D. Robert lives in the grey-skied world of Northeast Ohio with his wife, son, daughter, dog, cat, and a back yard pond full of goldfish. His award-winning debut novel, Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble, was published in 2011, with subsequent installments in the series, Noah Zarc: Cataclysm, and Noah Zarc: Declaration, as well as Shadow Swarm now available. When not writing, he loves helping other authors succeed through great visual design for their books.
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