In an alternative past with an unrealized future, trek around the world and beyond in nine separate adventures, in the ships locomotives, and flying machines that power the Steampunk universe.
Dots, Dashes, And Deceit by Jay Barnson: A telegraph operator finds herself displaced by advancing technology but discovers a genius inventor and a young savant with secrets too dangerous to ignore.
The Promise by Michael Cross: In a world ravaged by the unspeakable horrors of war, one soldier moves heaven and earth to keep a promise to his son, and alters the lives of every stranger who helps him along the way
The Voyage of Valerie McGrath by Pete Ford: Sent on a desperate mission only she can fulfil, a black-listed researcher discovers the war her government wages against its own people, and the planet they rely upon for survival..
Ripper Bound by TC Phillips: With nothing but a brain implant and the force of his will, a talented bounty hunter returns far-flung criminals to justice, but what price will the technology ultimately demand of him?
Dr. Pax’s Great Unsinkable Bird by J.R. Potter: When a brilliant scientist falls prey to sky pirates who are after his flying machine, he must rely on his greatest achievement: a teenage girl whom he rescued from certain death.
Seven-year Itch by Rie Sheridan Rose: Toby Kincaid knew his clothes would grow filthy when he made a deal with the Devil, but he didn’t count on the wear to his spirit. He may win the wager but still lose his soul.
The Journey of Inspector Roux by C. R. Simper: A legendary investigator goes down in flames and believes his life is over, until an eager young recruit drags him around the world in pursuit of a kidnapper.
Priority Passage by S. D. Simper: Marina will not allow the death of her father stand in the way of their dreams, but when her airship is boarded by sky pirates, she must decide what she values most: Nikita’s inventions or his daughter.
Ganesh by Scott E. Tarbet: A farm boy abducted by a traveling-show huckster finds his calling as an airship pilot, never suspecting the transformative adventure awaiting him halfway around the world. An A Midsummer Night’s Steampunk expansion.
Great collection of Steampunk stories
A great collection of stories based in various Steampunk universes. Some stories were great as they were, and others I didn’t want to have the story end.
So Different
This is amazing. Much different than what I am used to reading. Definitely a collection of stories you don’t want to miss out on.
5 stars
The stories are fresh and the authors do a splendid job of breathing life into their characters by capturing the voices of the Steampunk era.

Jay Barnson
Software engineer, video game developer, and father, Jay Barnson is a transplant to the state of Utah from the east coast. He grew up on a diet of science fiction and fantasy ranging from Howard, Heinlein, and Tokien to Lucas and Spielberg. His wife and daughters had to drag him to his first steampunk convention. And now they can’t drag him away from the genre.
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Michael Cross
Michael Cross entered the industry in 2013 as a wandering hopeful, seeking to have his own adventure in the literary world. When he isn’t working on his next novel, he is reading, modding Steampunk inventions, or working on his airship with his copilot Chihuahua.
Cross’ short story, “The Promise,” appears in Terra Mechanica: A Steampunk Anthology, published by The X in May of 2014.
Come see what secrets can be discovered in the hidden library of Follow Cross on the web:

Pete Ford
Pete Ford was born in England and lived in Wales and Switzerland before moving to Texas. He now lives in Colorado with his wife, Kate. They have two grown-up sons and two not-at-all grown-up granddaughters. When he isn’t working as a computer programmer for the US Government or writing, he reads, watches movies, and plays computer games including World of Warcraft, and the Half-Life and Portal series. He loves science, history, and cheese.
Ford’s first full-length novel, the well-received Mr. Gunn and Dr. Bohemia, was released in November, 2013, witt its sequel slated for release later in 2014.

TC Phillips
TC Phillips hails from tropical Central Queensland in Australia, where he currently lives with his loving wife, three young children, a spoilt cat and an overactive imagination. An avid reader from a young age, he has held a long standing attraction for the written word and is excited to able to make his own contributions to the vibrant and ever shifting world of storytelling. Holding degrees in both Theatre Studies and Education, he is also currently completing his Master of Arts (Writing) through Swinburne University of Technology.

J. R. Potter
A lover of graphic novels and the occult fiction of the late great John Bellairs, James gravitated towards the paranormal world from an early age. Watching the first episode of The X-Files with his older brother was a transformative experience, as well as an education in great storytelling and mythmaking.
Since “growing up,” James has devoted his time to finding his voice through writing, publishing short fiction in The Portland Review, and winning two international short story competitions for science fiction and horror. When he’s not writing, he tours with his incredible wife Amy as “The Crooked Angels,” an Americana duo specializing in rocking your socks off.
Potter is currently collaborating with artist Klaus “Plaid Klaus” Shmidheiser in the graphic novel series “Glimmer Society.”

Rie Sheridan Rose
Rie Sheridan Rose has been writing professionally for over ten years. She has published six novels, one short story collection, two chapbooks of collected stories, and five poetry collections as well as contributing to numerous anthologies like Reloaded: Both Barrels, Shifters, Nightmare Stalkers and Dream Walkers, and A Bubba in Time Saves None. She also wrote lyrics for Marc Gunn’s “Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits” CD.
She has a poem in the next issue of Gearhearts Steampunk Glamor Revue, and upcoming Steampunk stories in this magazine and Fictionvale. Her latest novel, The Marvelous Mechanical Man is the first in a Steampunk series called The Conn-Mann Chronicles.
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C R Simper
C R Simper is an Arizona native who has never lived anywhere else. She graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Purchasing and Logistics Management. She married another Arizona native in 1991 and is now the stay-at-home mom of three daughters and one son. She has found that writing is a great way to maintain a sense of order in her life.
Simper has written in multiple genres over the past three decades and decided to try her hand at steam punk at the suggestion of her oldest daughter. “The Journey of Inspector Roux” is her first published story.
Other hobbies that she enjoys are playing volleyball, genealogical research, and indexing obituaries. She gave up watching commercial television in 2003, but enjoys an occasional Netflix series. She prefers movies with happy endings. She is a member of ANWA-American Night Writers Association and appreciates the critiques and encouragement that come from such a great organization. She is grateful of the support of her family and friends.

S. D. Simper
S. D. Simper has been an avid reader and writer since childhood. Although a recent graduate from Eastern Arizona College, she is still trying to figure out what exactly to do with her life. She lives in Arizona with her two pet turtles and various insane roommates, and her hobbies include singing, comic book reading, and pretending she can dance.
A valuable and proven team member, Shauntel works as an assistant editor at The X. Her first project as lead editor, Relative Evil by Debra Efert, will be released in July. This is Simper’s first published short story.
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Scott E. Tarbet
Scott Tarbet writes enthusiastically in several genres, sings opera, was married in full Elizabethan regalia, loves Steampunk waltzes, and slow-smokes thousands of pounds of Texas-style barbeque. An avid skier, hiker, golfer, and tandem kayaker, he makes his home in the mountains of Utah.